Postcards from The Line 2020

Rachel Malcolm by Ronnie McInnes

Somehow we have arrived at Postcards from The Line time again, a fixed point in a year when absolutely nothing has gone according to plan and in which the foundation of many lives has been severely threatened. We hope that the work of the many artist participants in the Postcard show will bring a little light to everyone.
Ronnie McInnes has written of his work 'Each of my submitted pieces are mixed media artworks from my ongoing project Women’s Wednesdays. The project was started in response to women’s under representation in sport. Particularly in rugby. I focus on internationally capped women rugby union players and each week I ask my followers on social media to suggest players. I pick my favourite from those suggestions to make a unique artwork about. Influenced by Pop Surrealism, I decided to take inspiration from video games (in which sparks, vibrant colours and patterns of light are common). By doing so, a certain dynamism is portrayed in the work'.
We hope that this image of vigour, determination and courage will inspire us all - and encourage you to brave the outdoors and come along to see the show!
Postcards from The Line 2020 will open at 10.00 am on Thursday October 29 and run until 4pm on Sunday November 22nd.

Indovidual images will be posted here each day throughout the exhibition. Watch this space.






