The scent of honeysuckle was in Elisabet's mind when she titled this show, one of the many things which make this time of year so special. Other things might be pebbles and sand, seaweeds and shells - both of which are represented in the works by Kate Lloyd and Jude Rogers which form a significant element of this show. We are also delighted to introduce bronze and bronze resin sculptures by Sophie Howard from Bristol - we know you will love her work as much as we do. And, as the images are of horses, we could not miss out George, who came to visit last week ....
July 10 to August 3 2010
The scent of honeysuckle was in Elisabet's mind when she titled this show, one of the many things which make this time of year so special. Other things might be pebbles and sand, seaweeds and shells - both of which are represented in the works by Kate Lloyd and Jude Rogers which form a significant element of this show. We are also delighted to introduce bronze and bronze resin sculptures by Sophie Howard from Bristol - we know you will love her work as much as we do. And, as the images are of horses, we could not miss out George, who came to visit last week ....